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  • Felhívás kérdőív kitöltésére: EULAR Digital Health & Technology survey

    My name is Dylan McGagh, a rheumatology trainee currently working in Oxford. I am leading a EULAR project on the use of digital health technologies in rheumatology care. Together with Prof Wan-Fai Ng, we have established the EULAR Digital Health & Technology group, which aims to explore the integration of digital technologies in rheumatology and the barriers that clinicians and allied health professionals face. 


    Our first initiative is a scoping survey designed to capture the current use of digital health technologies and the challenges associated with their adoption across the MDT. We are eager to ensure this survey reaches a broad and representative audience within the rheumatology community.


    The link to the survey is as follows and I have attached a banner related to the survey.




    Kind regards, 

    Dylan McGagh
