Lejárt a biztonsági időkorlát.
Ha az oldal űrlapot is tartalmaz, annak mentése csak érvényes bejelentkezéssel lehetséges.
A bejelentkezés érvényességének meghosszabbításához kérjük lépjen be!
Felhasználó név:

Republic of Hungary located in Central Europe
Member of the European Union
Area: 93.030 km2
Capital: Budapest
Population: 10 millions
Approximately xxx women and xxx men live with rheumatology diseases


The Hungarian Association of Rheumatologists was established in 1989.
The main purpose of our Association is to raise the standards of rheumatology care in Hungary.
To fulfil this mission we co-ordinate and support the rheumatology outpatient clinics, and offer regular refresher courses in order to increase the knowledge in the field of rheumatology care.
We also assists in the research of various issues regarding rheumatology and the related disorders in Hungary. The Association is organized for health care professionals (doctors, nurses etc.) and to date we have more than 1200 members.


Hungarian Association of Rheumatologists
1023 Budapest, Ürömi u. 56.

President: Dr. Zoltán Szekanecz
E-mail: szekanecz.zoltan [ @ ] med.unideb.hu

Secretariat: Ms. Eszter Takács
E-mail: titkarsag.mre [ @ ] gmail.com

Hungarian Association of Rheumatology
1023 Budapest, Ürömi u. 56.

Web: www.mre.hu


The scientific journal of the Hungarian Association of Rheumatologists

Published four times a year

Clinical studies
Original articles
Review of the literature


Zoltán SZEKANECZ MD. President

Prof. Dr. Zoltán SZEKANECZ MD.



Head of Department
Department of Rheumatology, Department of Internal Medicine, Debrecen

László CZIRJÁK MD. Vice President

Prof. Dr. László CZIRJÁK MD.

Vice President

Vice President

University professor, clinic director
Department of Rheumatology and Immunology, University of Pécs

Gábor HÉJJ MD. Vice President

Dr. Gábor HÉJJ MD.

Vice President

Vice President

Deputy Director General
National Institute of Rheumatology and Physiotherapy, Budapest

Emese Virág KISS MD. Secrretary General

Prof. Dr. Emese Virág KISS MD.

Secretary General

Secretary General

University Professor, Head physician
National Institute of Rheumatology and Physiotherapy, Budapest

Emese Virág KISS MD. Secrretary General

Dr. Péter BÁLINT MD.



Head physician
National Institute of Rheumatology and Physiotherapy, Budapest


  • Dr. Attila Balog

  • Prof. Dr. Tamás Bender

  • Prof. Dr. Katalin Dankó

  • Dr. Judit Donáth

  • Prof. Dr. Pál Géher

  • Dr. Izabella Gomez

  • Dr. György Hittner

  • Dr. László Hodinka

  • Dr. Péter Juhász

  • Dr. Csaba Kiss

  • Dr. Csaba György Kiss

  • Dr. László Kovács

  • Dr. Ádám Mester

  • Dr. György Nagy

  • Dr. Katalin Nagy

  • Dr. Ilona Orbán

  • Dr. Judit Ortutay

  • Prof. Dr. Gyula Poór

  • Dr. Bernadette Rojkovich

  • Dr. Sándor Szántó

  • Dr. László Szekeres

  • Prof. Dr. Gabriella Szűcs


Congress of the Hungarian Association of Rheumatologists organized yearly in September